The RBA has decided to leave the official cash rate unchanged at 1.5% for the 29th consecutive time and we'd like to share some thoughts on why the Reserve Bank of Australia has made this decision.
The most exciting thing about getting a new mortgage is moving into a new home. What's less exciting is the actual move itself. With these tips we can't promise you it will be fun, but they should make things a lot easier. The key is planning ahead, having a strategy…
When you're looking for a new home loan, the question is not, 'How much can I borrow?' Instead you should be asking, 'How much can I afford to repay?' This key factor is one of the ways lenders work out the size of your loan, and it's called 'serviceability.'
The way banks assess you and a loan application have changed in recent years. A credit score is now something they look at as an indicator of your ability to service a loan. By following a few simple tips and getting into good habits, you can improve your score and…
Our cover might've given it away: we're looking for Australia's most fabulous restored vintage car. Be it a classic Holden or a personality-plus 70's VW beetle, if you've got a motor in the shed that deserves to win you $1,000 - send in a photo of your pride and joy…
The RBA has decided to leave the official cash rate unchanged at 1.5% for the 29th consecutive time and I'd like to share some thoughts on why the Reserve Bank of Australia has made this decision.
We appreciate your feedback, that's why each month we give our customers who have recently settled a loan the chance to go in the competition to win a small thank you gift. This month's winner is Kelly, and she's won a $500 Bunnings voucher. Congratulations Kelly!
We appreciate your feedback, that's why each month we give our customers who have recently settled a loan the chance to go in the competition to win a small thank you gift. This month's winner is Ashleigh, and they've won a $500 Bunnings voucher. Congratulations Ashleigh!
The RBA has decided to leave the official cash rate unchanged at 1.5% for the 28th consecutive time and I'd like to share some thoughts on why the Reserve Bank of Australia has made this decision. Following its February meeting, the RBA said the case for the next rate move…
Comprehensive Credit Reporting, or 'Positive Reporting' is here. And while the banks may not be happy about sharing their customers' information with other banks, borrowers like you stand to benefit a lot more.